Admission & Funding

Admission to the Palliative Care Suite will normally be initiated by a patient’s GP,  by the Wanaka District Nurses or by Otago Community Hospice staff involved with the patient’s care in the community.

A Patient’s family however, can make enquiries re admission directly to the Manager of the Aspiring Enliven Care Centre.

As the Suite is a community facility, admission is based on clinical need and the availability of the Suite, and no particular priorities are recognised. In particular, the residents of the Aspiring Lifestyle Retirement Village do not enjoy any right of access to the Suite over other potential patients. 

Enquiries re admission should be made to:

The Manager
Aspiring Enliven Care Centre

(03) 555 3011  

Admissions to the Suite are generally needs-assessment based, with an NASC assessment being required, prior to admission being discussed.

The terms of admission arising from NASC assessments are as follows:

  • Those assessed as qualifying for Palliative or Respite Care under the Te Whatu Ora Southern (TWOS) Palliative Care criteria, can use the Suite with the cost fully covered by TWOS Palliative Care funding package.
  • Those assessed as qualifying for Aged Care under TWOS Aged Care criteria can use the Suite with the cost of using the Suite covered by the TWOS Aged Care funding package. This is a means tested funding package:
    • Those having assets under the means test hurdle, are fully funded for their use of the Suite under the package.
    • Those who’s assets exceed the means test hurdle, must contribute to the cost of their care, based on their assets level, up to a maximum daily contribution.
  • Those who are assessed as not qualifying for either TWOS Palliative Care or Aged Care as discussed above, are not eligible for TWOS funding, and for such patients the use of the Suite is generally considered inappropriate. In special circumstances however, the UCPCTB may be prepared to provide funding to cover the use of the Suite, if admission of the patient is approved by Aspiring Enliven.  Such funding by the UCPCTB is not guaranteed, and may be approved by the Board on application by the patient’s family to the UCPCTB, setting out the special circumstances applicable.